Lumiera  0.pre.03
»edit your freedom«
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NlibImplementation namespace for support and library code
 NhashHash implementations usable for the HashIndexed mixin as well as key within std::unordered_map
 NidiIdentification Schemes
 NsyncHelpers and building blocks for Monitor based synchronisation
 NlumieraLumiera public interface
 NstageLumiera GTK UI implementation root
 NctrlBackbone of the Lumiera GTK UI
 NdialogDialog box classes
 NdrawDisplay and drawing helpers and utilities
 NidiGeneric definitions for element ID and access
 NinteractUI interaction control
 NmodelThe Lumiera GTK-GUI uses a thin proxy layer data model on top of the actual "high-level-model", which lives in the Steam-Layer below
 NoutputVideo output implementation
 NpanelDocking panel classes
 NsettingThe asset management, configuration and project settings
 NtimelineThe timeline display and editing operations
 NwidgetLumiera custom widgets
 NworkspaceThe global workspace with top-level windows
 NstdSTL namespace
 NsteamSteam-Layer implementation namespace root
 NassetThe asset subsystem of the Steam-Layer
 NcontrolSteam-Layer dispatcher, controller and administrative facilities
 NengineLumiera's render engine core and operational control
 NfixtureFixture and low-level-Model
 NmobjectMedia-Objects, edit operations and high-level session
 NplayPlayback and rendering control subsystem
 NvaultVault-Layer implementation namespace root
 NcacheThe frame and media cache
 NgearActive working gear and plumbing
 NioI/O subsystem and support
 NmemMemory Management
 NoutOutput management and connectors
 NstoragePersistent storage formats
 NtoolkitLumiera Render Toolkit